- When I double click on an Occasion File, the Finder says that it can't open it because the application that created it could not be found. Why?
"Remember?" is not a true application, it is a "desk accessory". Double clicking a document only works for applications. Use the [Add...] button in the Occasion Files dialog to add an occasion file to your active list.
- OK, so why isn't "Remember?" an application?
It started out as a desk accessory in the System 6 days and I have not converted it yet. I held off because I had a large contingient of System 6 users and they lose out in the conversion. V2.5 will be the last desk accessory release, other than bug fixes. The application version will also require System 7 or later unless I hear from lots of System 6 folks. Apple Event support is definite.
- I suddenly stopped getting pop-up alerts. What happened?
Make sure that you haven't removed or disabled Remember? Extension. It installs the pop-up alert handler and launches the desk accessory for startup checks.
- Why can't I see my old occasions when I view previous dates?
One-time occasion are normally deleted after they pass. Use the Occasion Files dialog to turn off auto-delete for the files that should retain old occasions.
- Why do the screen colors go crazy when "Remember?" starts up?
I bet your screen is set to 16 or 256 colors. When the system can't find a reasonable match for the text style colors, it changes some of the system colors. They will return to normal when you Quit the desk accessory. There is a Preference where you can relax the color tolerance if you can live with the closest available match.
- When are you going to support printing?
Actually, it has been there for quite some time. Look in the pop-up menu at the lower left corner of the What's Happening and Browse windows.
- Why do I get "out of memory" errors when I print to my HP printer?
This is a quirk of the HP driver with desk accessories. Make sure you are using version 6 or later of the driver. Also, turn on Background Printing to reduce memory requirements.
- Why are my floppy disks melted and unusable when I eject them?
You are probably putting them into a toaster. Don't worry, this is a common mistake. There is a class action suit in progress that requires toaster manufacturers to install a special chip to disable the heating element when magnetic media is inserted. Currently, only DOS disk formats are supported but it will be upgraded should any Mac user join the suit. An alternative plan to require toaster slots smaller than a disk appears to be stalled over concerns of possible damage to floppy drive mechanisms from the new, smaller bread slices.
One industry insider was quoted as saying "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Now get out of my shower right now or I'll teach you an uncomfortable variation of 'Hide the Soap'."
- Is it true that long coding and documentation sessions cause programmers to go psychotic?
No, that just causes bouts of silliness. It is chronic consumption of caffeine and MSG that causes the psychoses.